BKT meets Cufica Pill Fernando

Join us on an exciting journey to Spain's northwest mountains to meet Fernando Vuelta González, the foreman of CUFICA, a company known for slate extraction and manufacturing.


The old Las Medulas mining facility has operated for almost 2000 years. Most people work in the lower area of the quarry, where the highest quality material is extracted.


Discover the complex slate mining processes and the vital role BKT plays in supporting these challenging operations.


Prepare for an eye-opening journey into the worlds of mining and industrial innovation.

Did you know?
  • The northwestern region of Spain is well known for mining due to the abundance of slate resources.
  • Las Medulas is the largest gold mine in Spanish history.
  • Las Medulas is well-known for having the best quality of slate in all of Spain.
  • CUFICA operations occur on a 10% slope; therefore, traction and grip are essential.