The OutFit – Closer Than You Think

Chris and Ange – also known as The OutFit – are an extraordinary, yet regular couple.

Theirs is a normal story: they met through a common friend, found out a common love for nature and adventure, and fell in love with each other.

Their life choice is extraordinary: they wanted more than the 9-5 grind, with only two days exploring the great outdoors.

So, they started to plan a much bigger adventure.

By deciding to leave their jobs and hit the road in their self-built van, they serve as a true example of how to fulfill your dreams, fully take advantage of your unique experience on this Earth, and share it with everybody else.

Because happiness is only real when shared.

  • Chris & Ange
    Chris & Ange
Did you know?
  • This adventure has made them more confident and grateful.
  • Chris and Ange overcame all the struggles together.
  • They spent an year building their dream van.
Chris & Ange
Chris & Ange

Chris and Ange lived in Sydney together for two and a half years, going camping almost every weekend to escape the hustle and bustle in the city - sometimes even driving up to 10 hours away from it - but it just wasn’t enough to satisfy their desire for adventure.

For this reason, they bought a Jeep and spent a year fixing it, all while saving money before quitting their jobs at the end of December 2019.

Then Covid-19 hit, putting their new adventure at risk. Thanks to their positive, driven attitude, they managed to overcome their struggles, and decided to share their experience with everyone.

That’s how The OutFit was born. The acronym stands for the Outdoors & Fitness, representing their passions and their will to show that fitness doesn’t have to take a back-seat when it comes to long-term adventuring.

Today, their dream is to travel the world in their van, with their first-born Oakley.